1.) To create a facility that would allow the public to have access to the Mayor or to a reliable custodian of information to whom information can be reported in confidence without fear of reprisal from those illegally involvement in illegal drugs.
2.) To create an entity that can take hold of the opportunity created by the overwhelming public approval of Mayor Sara Duterte’s thrust against illegal drugs and undertake programs in all fronts that could translate the on-going information campaign into a positive public participation in the procurement of information against illegal drugs activity in their immediate community.
3.) To create the mechanism that would coordinate with the various agencies involved for appropriate action on the information obtained and monitor the actions taken in connection with the information provided by the council CADACs coordinating and action center;
4.) To create a database for all information received and action taken for accountability and reference of the CADAC and the Office of the Mayor.
5.) To create database for all information received and action taken for accountability and reference of the CADAC and the Office of the Mayor.
6.) To assist the BADACs in organizing and strengthening their Youth Anti-Drug Abuse Committees.
7.) To elicit and sustain community support, coordination and cooperation and assist in the treatment and rehabilitation of drug dependents.
8.) To assist social welfare institutions concerned in the follow-up and after care of drug clients released from treatment and rehabilitations center.
9.) To create a coordinating and action center to received and monitor confidential reports about illegal drug transactions for necessary apprehension and incarceration.
10.) To be able to establish and maintain a data bank and update records by sustaining close linkages with non-government agencies.
11.) To coordinate with the Dangerous Drugs Board, Manila, in the implementation and evaluation of drug abuse.
12.) To motivate all beneficiaries to participate in the nationwide celebration of Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Week on the 3rd week of November every year.