The City Anti-Drug Abuse Council Framework
The framework of Davao City Anti-Drug Abuse Council (CADAC) in addressing the needs of the drug surrenderees is a consolidation of strategies formulated and implemented by lead agencies in the country. Specifically, its community rehabilitation guidelines and procedures are adaptations from Dangerous Drugs Board Regulation No. 4 Series of 2016 which aims to establish clear guidelines and specific procedures which are being followed by national government agencies, law enforcement agencies, anti-drug abuse councils (ADACs) of local government units, and cause-oriented non-government organizations in dealing with drug personalities who voluntarily surrendered to authorities and assessed as drug users or dependents. It also adopts Dangerous Drugs Board Regulation No. 1 Series of 2006 for its guidelines in the implementation of the aftercare program for recovering drug dependents.
While strategies had been formulated and acted, problems brought about by illegal drugs became complicated. The Philippine National Anti-Drug Plan of Action (NADPA) 2015-2020 of the Dangerous Drugs Board was formulated to bridge new gaps. It confronts the drug menace with its five pillars of action which have been adopted as strategies by many of its global counterparts (NADPA, 2015-2020).
These strategies involve drug supply reduction, drug demand reduction, alternative development, civic awareness and response, and regional and international cooperation.